Thursday, 10 March 2011

The Rise Of The Anti-Dream

We have all, in our time, had dreams. Everyone has a goal they aim for, or burning ambition inside that will never be quelled. Whether mini Mudpuddler or Augustus Gloop in stature, 'tis good to dream.

Today, however, I have given some thought to the antithesis of dreams - that which I shall call (very originally) the anti-dream. Anti-dreams are all the things you absolutely do not want to do or experience in your life. Had I just had a shocker of a holiday in Clacton-On-Sea (a very possible possible), I might vow never to return there. I would have the anti-dream of going to Clacton. You can see what I am doing here - I'm using English, badly, but I have started now and I intend to finish. I have an anti-dream to bin things that I have begun you see.

Anti-Dreams, I insist, can tell us just as much about a person as their positive dreams. For example, the anti-dream I have to get my heart broken again tells you where my fear lies and why I am reticent on occasion in pursuit of my dream of attracting a mate. Perhaps behind every dream there lurks a cadre of anti-dreams to pervert your course and fustigate.

Anti-Dreams can also be instructive in how I relate to the anti-dreamer. I can tell little when informed that someone has the dream of meeting the Queen, however were they also to let slip their anti-dream is to meet Megan Fox, well then I know they are a tasteless buffoon with whom I shall have no truck. For my anti-dream is to not meet her.

Finally, and in all seriousness, what a person dislikes tells us so much more than what they like. To quote Montgomery C. Burns I may not know much about art, but I know what I hate. And I don't hate this.

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