Monday, 4 April 2011

10 facts that need stating on the record

1) My alcohol tolerance is inversely proportional to my distance in space and time from South Stoneham House (fl 1990-93)

2) I am an appallingly bad liar - I want to get caught, it's fun

3) You can trust me with most things, exceptions include reminding you of something that you are worried you'll forget and if asking me for directions, I am prone to making it up as I go along.

4) I take after my grandfather. He was an enormous wind up merchant. these are facts.

5) There are plans for scientists to probe me and all women in an attempt to find out who is worse at taking a compliment. Odds are shortening on it being me.

6) Greens, roots, carrots, spuds, meat, yorkshires. If you eat your roast in any order other than that, you are one freaky mazumba.

7) You can caveat the question 'which is your favourite reality show' with anything you like up to and including personal injury, my answer will still be 'none of them'

8) Wood beats metal beats plastic. Always.

9) I'll forgive most things once and almost nothing twice.

10) If I'm smiling, that's the time to start worrying.

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