Monday 19 July 2010

Cheese, please!

On a glorious hot day like this there is little point in waffling endlessly on my blog. So, for your delight I offer the first of what I hope will be some arbitary lists.
Today, I delve into the world of cheese. Cheese that was, and still is and cheese that was but has attained the status of acceptably cool. Please note, the author will not enter into any correspondence nor provide any citation over the classification (past or continuing) of items on the lists as cheese. I will, however, consider one addition to each list per reader for a small consideration.

Cheese that was, and still is.

Joe Dolce’s Shaddupya Face
The magic of David Copperfield
The bit in When a Child is Born where Johnny Mathis talks
The phrase ‘The extraordinary debut album’
Tupperware parties
Anything which involves fancy dress and the workplace
Noel Edmonds
Anne Robinson’s conjunctivitis wink
Applauding in the cinema and/or cheering obscure references in sequels to the original
Sending Christmas cards to everyone in your office

Cheese that was but has become cool

Laura Brannigan singing ‘Gloria’
The Mini Metro
Thinking interest rates are too low
Martina Hingis
Owning complete series of stuff on DVD
Massive hair
Doctor Who’s companion
Dirt cheap polo shirts
Having a ‘going out’ pair of jeans
Billy Ocean


  1. Are you doubting the uncheesing of the mini metro? Be careful missy!!
