Saturday, 22 October 2011

The definitive list

Ok, I have had an epiphany (again, seriously, I am pursued everywhere by epiphanies). With the countdown to 40 now almost at T 1 month, I have spent a lot of time recently getting more and more annoyed at myself for all the things I keep promising myself I will do but never get round to. All that is about to change, however, as I am reconstituting 'the list'. This is the definitive list of things I WILL do, not just want to do.

More importantly, my Mudpuddlin mateys, you have my permission to harangue, hassle and heap opprobrium upon me for failure to act upon these in the future without fear of any come back from me (so sayeth I on this day!)

1) Do a stand-up routine in front of genuine punters
2) Climb Ben Nevis - reaching the top this time, not 'somewhere near the top' (which was actually somewhere near half way)
3) Get the property flipping company up and running
4) Finish writing the damn novel I have been tinkering with for about 5 years
5) Bully my OCD into submission
6) Make the people I care about proud of me
7) Having done 3), leave my current employment
8) Get the mountain bike and make some use of it, as opposed to considering it something I might enjoy 'one day'
9) Return visit to New Zealand
10) Stop hiding from telling people my feelings for them (specifically people of the female persuasion)

There, it has been published, it is all nice and legal

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