Monday 27 September 2010

Management Speak

Having spent some time in the Blue Sky world of management, I feel it my solemn duty to impart what knowledge I can of the curious language which has embedded itself into the lexicon of man management. I see this as an organic task, to which individualised generics can be added. That said, this potato is burning my fingers, so I must proceed, with dispatch, to the glossary of terms and their true meaning which I hope you find of use.

Put that on the back burner - your idea is crap, it will die and be forgotten and you can forget any thoughts of a pay rise or promotion whilst I am your boss.

More bang for your buck - the only thing that matters is profit. Trample on who you need to, destroy hopes, lives and loves in the interest of ££££££££ gain.

Firstly let me say thank you for your interest in this position - yeah, you haven't got the job.

Let's retrofit that solution to our existing portfoilo - For God's sake help me cover my arse.

Let me worry about approval, you concentrate on the mechanics - Let me take all the credit, you concentrate on doing all the work.

It's been a challenging year - I am getting a bonus, none of you are. Some of you are getting P45s though.

I have to think of our client base - This idea does not appear to further my career or line my pocket in any way.

I've carefully considered everything you have had to say on this - And ignored it.

Our customers want one stop service - Keep the unwashed masses out of my hair or you're for it.

Work smarter - I am going to lay a few people off.

Go back to what we do best - I am going to lay a lot of people off.

You had a tough start to the year - I decided you were not getting a bonus this year in February.

Use the secrets wisely my friends.

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